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King's Sutton

Primary Academy

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Virtual Learning Environments (VLE)

In this section you will find links to the online learning environments to which we currently subscribe. These web-based learning programmes integrate home and school learning via the internet. This type of learning is the next generation in learning, helping children enjoy more and achieve outstanding results. 


Children are able to access these links at school and we hope you will encourage them to use them at home too! Your child has 24 hour access to these sites through unique usernames* and passwords* for each. This means they can work at their own pace; anywhere, anytime. Classteachers also have 24 hour access and are able to set work to be completed as part of your child's homework, review the work your child has undertaken at home and at school and most importantly is able to track his or her progress enabling to us to see where any gaps in their education may be.


We reccommend that you spend time looking at these programmes with your child so that you can gain the greatest understanding of how they work and how they benefit his or her learning. If you would like more information about any of these programmes please speak to your child's classteacher.


Please click on the images below to launch login.






* If you have forgotten or misplaced any of of these, please speak to your child's class teacher who will be happy to reissue them for you.
