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King's Sutton

Primary Academy

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King's Sutton Primary Academy follows the agreed coordinated scheme set up by West Northants Council. Pupils are admitted according to Admissions Policy below:

The key dates for September 2025 admissions are:


  • Portal for applications opens 9 September 2024
  • Deadline for applications (Primary) is midnight on 15 January 2025
  • National Offer Day (Primary) is 16 April 2025


Admission Criteria

The local authority (LA); West Northants Council process our admissions arrangements and applications should be made directly to them. To access their online application form please click


West Northants School Admissions


Starting School, Reception Intake

Children who are four before 1st September can start school in the Autumn term of that year. In the Summer term before they join us, children and their parents are invited to school on several occasions enabling children to meet their teacher and spend some time in the classrooms. Parents are also offered a home visit which enables our class teacher and teaching assistants to get to know you and your child in a more informal setting.  


The number we currently admit into our Reception class is 15. Any children living in King's Sutton are the first priority to be offered a place at our school. Places are then offered to brothers and sisters of children living outside this area who will be at the school at the time of admission of the younger child.


If there are more than 15 applications, places are offered to children from outside the area and with no brothers or sisters at the school, according to the distance of their home from the school measured by the most practical route. Parents are usually informed by early April whether there is a place for their child.

Joining King's Sutton Primary Academy from another local school or moving into the area

(in year admissions) 

Some children join KSPA from other local schools, from schools elsewhere in the UK or from overseas during the school year, all known as 'in-year' admissions. 

  • Find out more about our school by reading our latest Ofsted report, analyse our excellent outcomes and achievements, talk to existing parents and come and visit us to feel the warmth of the school. 
  • Contact Nikki Ward, Administrator, at KSPA who will check for vacancies in each age group and help you with your application.
  • West Northants Council co-ordinate all in-year admissions to classes at KSPA on our behalf. For further details about the in year admissions process, please visit WNC School Admissions


We welcome other applications and parents considering our school are warmly encouraged to visit. An appointment can be made by telephoning during school hours.



Those who are not successful in obtaining a place may appeal to the LA for a review of the decision. For further information on the appeals process; please click here. No child will be refused a place solely because he or she has special educational needs.


Secondary Transition and Application

At eleven we say goodbye to our children as they leave for secondary school, almost all of our pupils go on to Chenderit School in Middleton Cheney. Chenderit School work very hard to promote excellent links with the feeder primaries in their cluster. A four day transition period during Term 6 ensures our children are carefully prepared for the next step on their educational journey. More information on Secondary applications can  be found here. 





